A relatively quiet week that sees the Sun entering Scorpio. The Moon is waning from full to new. She will finish her trek through Gemini Monday evening. She will then spend Tuesday and Wednesday in Cancer, Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning in Leo, and wind up the weekend in Virgo.
Read on for the more detailed planetary aspects of this weekly horoscope. All times listed are based on the USA Eastern Time Zone.
Monday, October 21, 2024 - Mercury trine Saturn Rx (13° Scorpio to Pisces)
Are you trying to get to the bottom of something? Today is the day to do it. Mercury trine Saturn Rx overnight gives us the gifts of perseverance, concentration, and attention to detail. Mercury in Scorpio is a probing mind that simply won’t rest until it has upturned every stone. Saturn Rx in Pisces is working hard to sort karma by putting form around the formless. In harmonious aspect to each other, these two are making it a great time to negotiate, sign contracts, make long term plans, or simply meet a deadline. Hard work pays off now.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - Sun square Pluto (29° Libra to Capricorn); Sun enters Scorpio (6:15 pm)
It’s a day to avoid conflict, if you can. Sun square Pluto can imbue us with a tremendous urge to push hard and struggle through difficult problems; but it can also pump the ego up a little too much. While you will undoubtedly feel ten feet tall and bulletproof under these stars, you are, in fact, still human, and can very easily wind up in a power struggle if you don’t keep your control issues in check. Conversely, Pluto’s energy can overwhelm you, cloaking you in a victim role, and chipping away at your self-esteem, confidence, and identity. Tread carefully. Harsh Pluto isn’t for the weak.
Later today, the Sun enters Scorpio, and our collective Eighth House. This is an interesting start to Scorpio season. Usually a time when we feel empowered to probe the depths and unveil the mysteries of whatever lies beyond the veil, the Sun’s square to Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, just prior to entry may signal more imbalance than we’re used to here. Still, it is a transformative and intense time for everyone - a time when we should readily embrace our own darkness.
Thursday, October 24, 2024 - Mars sextile Uranus Rx (26° Cancer to Taurus)
Fun, excitement, and adventure await when Mars sextiles Uranus Rx. There's electricity in the air, and it’s ready to give a friendly jolt to anyone who’s willing to take a chance today. Mars/Uranus aspects generally have to be handled with kid gloves; when the God of War meets the God of Lightning, all bets are off. But they are shaking hands today with a gentle sextile. They are also both significantly weakened by their respective sign positions, so neither one of them is particularly hellbent on causing trouble. This aspect brings motivation, inspiration and initiative our way, making it the perfect time to get a ball or two rolling. Don’t be surprised if you attract some interesting characters under this energy. Relationships started now probably won’t go the distance, but they will certainly be fun while they last!
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