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Star Tracks - Weekly Horoscopes for the Week of October 28, 2024

Writer: MsFortuneMsFortune

Updated: Nov 17, 2024

Blessed Samhain! This week sees far more planetary activity than last week, with personal planets Mercury, Venus and Mars making all sorts of connections. This week also brings two sign changes, as Mercury moves into Sagittarius and Mars moves into Leo. Bring on the fire!! The Moon is still waning, and will reach her New phase in Scorpio on Friday morning. She starts the week in Virgo, spends Tuesday and Wednesday in Libra, moves into Scorpio on Thursday (just in time for Samhain and Halloween), and spends the weekend in Sagittarius.

Read on for more detailed planetary aspects. All times listed are based on the USA Eastern Time Zone. 

Monday, October 28, 2024 - Mars trine Neptune Rx (27° Cancer to Pisces); Venus square Saturn Rx (12° Sagittarius to Pisces)

A day to keep our wits about us, as our two sexual planets send mixed messages our way. Mars trine Neptune Rx combines magnetism and tenderness, bringing an energy that is both passionate and compassionate. Motivation is somewhat low; but creative outlets, spiritual pursuits, and old fashioned romance are oh-so-satisfying now. Watch out for Venus, though. Usually a willing participant in Mars’ antics, today sees our Goddess of Love squaring off with Saturn Rx. This aspect brings feelings of loneliness, insecurity, and neediness to the forefront. Not the best look when Mars is presenting with his most gentle face! If you can’t get your Venus energy on board today, don’t be afraid to go at it alone.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024 - Mercury opposes Uranus Rx (25° Scorpio to Taurus)

A fast-paced day that sees Mercury face off with big brother Uranus Rx along the Axis of Survival. This aspect increases nervousness, anxiety, and racing thoughts, so it’s a good idea to move mindfully and take as many breaks as you can, so that you don’t short circuit. Mind your tongue, as there’s a tendency to speak without thinking under this aspect. And expect the unexpected. Uranus oppositions are notorious for bringing surprises - not always pleasant ones, either. Remain open and flexible.

Thursday, October 31, 2024 - Mercury trine Neptune Rx (27° Scorpio to Pisces)

Mercury’s world tour continues today. This time, he mimics Mars by forming a trine to Neptune. In fact, Mars is still extremely close by (in Cancer), making today a day where Grand Water Trine energy surrounds us. Yes please! Increased intuition, creativity, imagination, and overall sensitivity is the order of the day. It’s not a time to get serious, or to have to read the fine print. You’re likely to miss something big, so put crucial work off to the side, if you can. It’s a great time to deep dive into a subject that you’re interested in learning about, but have no obligation to memorize. Practicing spiritual activities is also heavily favored. We are motivated to dream, and dream big.

Friday, November 1, 2024 - New Moon at 9° Scorpio

This month’s New Moon in Scorpio features a trine from Saturn Rx in Pisces. Trines are the easiest aspects of all, because the planets involved are almost always in the same element (water, in this case). That means that they share a ton of common ground, and can exchange energy in a smooth and controlled manner. Saturn trine the Scorpio New Moon brings both the need and the ability to shore yourself up emotionally. Your instincts are strong, common sense is easy to come by, and patience is your middle name. This would be a great time to get back to your roots in some way. Self-development goals are also highly favored. Dig deep, and take steps towards building the emotional life that you want. 

Saturday, November 2, 2024 - Mercury trine Mars (29° Scorpio to Cancer); Mercury sextile Pluto (29° Scorpio to Capricorn); Mercury enters Sagittarius (3:18 p.m.)

Can’t stop, won't stop. Mercury, our winged messenger planet, continues his world tour for yet another day, this time pinging Mars and Pluto on his way out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius. As is the case with any planet traveling through Scorpio, Mercury has been on an absolute mission here. Scorpio is the abyss, and planets who swim in its depths are encouraged to investigate what they find down there. Maybe you need to purge a thing or two? You won’t know unless you look. Like, really look. Mars and Pluto rule Scorpio, so Mercury’s connections to both of them on the way out of their home sign strongly suggests that there’s an extremely urgent piece of business that needs your attention. Something’s dead, bloated, and rotting in the Scorpio sector of your chart, and it needs to be excised. 

Things lighten up considerably when Mercury moves into Sagittarius this afternoon. Mercury in Sagittarius is adventurous, curious and probing, but in a much more superficial way than he was in Scorpio. He’s in a constant state of FOMO here, so it’s a never ending quest to learn and experience as much as he can. Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius, though, meaning that his programs are a little buggy while he’s here. Rather than pointed exploration, Mercury can meander while in Sagittarius, often losing the forest for the trees. Still, it’s a welcome respite from the depths of Scorpio. Because of his upcoming retrograde, Mercury will spend a long time wandering through Sagittarius. He’s here until January 8th, 2025.

Sunday, November 3, 2024 - Mars opposes Pluto (29° Cancer to Capricorn); Venus opposes Jupiter Rx (20° Sagittarius to Gemini); Mars enters Leo (11:10 p.m.)

A tense day, with two oppositions culminating. Relationship planets Mars and Venus are at it again. First up is Mars, who opposes big brother Pluto across the Axis of Responsibility. Mars opposite Pluto unites conscious and subconscious expressions of power, increasing your drive to win at all costs. In the 29th degree of their respective signs, this energy will make just about everything feel like life or death. Massive transformation is certainly possible, but you have to watch for a tendency to scorch the earth in the process. Take care to not create any powerful enemies now. Venus opposite Jupiter Rx softens things a bit, but still encourages largesse, so it’s anybody’s guess whether she actually helps or hurts. This is playful energy, but going overboard will be entirely too easy. Practicing moderation will be the key to getting through this day unscathed.

Late tonight, Mars enters the fiery sign of Leo. Stamina, vitality, and an intense need to be seen as an authority figure are the hallmarks of Mars in Leo. He’s powerful, confident, proud and playful here. But don’t be fooled, he’s still Mars. He can be a tyrant here in the sign of kings, domineering and immovable. Mars will be in Leo through the end of 2024, but will turn retrograde on December 6th and eventually back into Cancer once more, on January 6th, 2025. Pay attention to the next couple of months. Mars-themed issues introduced between now and early January are likely to experience a redux when he returns to Leo in mid-April of 2025.


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