Very little action this week, which is just as well since we will be dealing with Mercury’s storm for the first half of it. We are in the closing days of Sagittarius season; the weekend brings the Winter Solstice, and the pagan sabbat of Yule. These are the shortest, darkest days of the year, and a time when we should be at rest. Too bad most of us are doing anything but! The Moon is waning towards new. She starts the week in home sign Cancer, moving into Leo Tuesday night. Early Friday through Sunday afternoon see her tying up loose ends in Virgo, before moving into Libra to balance out the remainder of the weekend.
Read on for more detailed planetary aspects. All times listed are based on the USA Eastern Time Zone.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 - Sun square Neptune (27° Sagittarius to Pisces)
Take it easy today, as the Sun square Neptune is notorious for sapping our strength. This aspect drains vitality, and makes it virtually impossible to mount any serious effort towards anything. Psychological and health issues can make themselves known now. Harsh energy from Neptune makes things blurry - confusion, deception, and disillusionment are the orders of the day. The tendency to idealize something or someone is very high, making it far more likely that you will suffer the sting of disappointment when you realize you’ve placed that person or thing on an undeserved pedestal. Scandals are born of these stars. Keep all of your dealings above board today. Better yet, avoid important transactions altogether, if you can.
Thursday, December 19, 2024 - Venus trine Jupiter Rx (14° Aquarius to Gemini)
One of the best transits possible for love and money, Venus trine Jupiter Rx brings abundant energy for activities like shopping, showing affection, or simply relaxing with someone you love. Vacations taken during this transit will be chock full of adventure and happy memories. Socializing in general is also highly favored - bonus points if you’re going on a first date today! Relationships begun under this aspect tend to benefit from warmth and optimism. Venus rules money and Jupiter is the lord of wealth, so making investments can pay off big time now. Overall a wonderful day for all things Venus-themed - enjoy!
Saturday, December 21, 2024 - Sun enters Capricorn (4:21 a.m.)
The Sun enters our collective Tenth House of Capricorn today, marking the winter solstice, the pagan sabbat of Yule, and the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The most responsible and disciplined energy in the Zodiac, this Saturn-ruled sign is known for its ability to set lofty goals and manifest them with ease. Gifted with unending ambition, status-conscious Capricorn makes even the most difficult of tasks look like child’s play. Don’t be fooled by outward appearances though - Capricorn is working extremely hard behind the scenes. The Sea Goat has mastered the art of the climb, and will stop at nothing to get to the top of the proverbial cliff… especially if there’s food up there! The Sun here will highlight an area of our lives where we can experience long-lasting success, so long as we are willing and able to put in the work. Engage in self-reflection, gather your resources, build the structures you need to excel, and get moving. Onward and upward! The Sun is here until January 19, 2025.