A topsy-turvy week that sees a LOT of movement. Mercury retrograde dances with Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun, while Venus slips into Aquarius and runs face first into Pluto. Rounding out the trifecta of personal planets, Mars turns retrograde in Leo. Oh, and Neptune turns direct as well. I told you… movement. And lots of it. The Moon is waxing towards full. She finishes up her adventure in Sagittarius Monday afternoon, then spends Tuesday and Wednesday climbing through Capricorn. Thursday and Friday see her breezing through Aquarius, and she spends the weekend in dreamy Pisces.
Read on for more detailed planetary aspects. All times listed are based on the USA Eastern Time Zone.
Monday, December 2, 2024 - Venus trine Uranus Rx (24° Capricorn to Taurus)
We start the week with an extremely stimulating aspect, as Venus trines Uranus Rx. This trine brings the urge to try new things - it will be hard to stick to routines now. Established lovers benefit from an injection of fun, excitement, and the urge to experiment. If you are fortunate enough to meet someone under these stars, the relationship is sure to be electric. Don’t count on it going the distance though, because Uranian affairs tend to be short-lived. He shows up for just long enough to jolt you out of complacency, then it’s onto the next thing. If love isn’t in the cards for you now, you will still feel like being social, so get out and explore your options. Financial windfalls can even occur - expect the unexpected!
Wednesday, December 4, 2024 - Mercury Rx opposite Jupiter Rx (16° Sagittarius to Gemini); Sun square Saturn (13° Sagittarius to Pisces); Venus sextile Neptune Rx (27° Capricorn to Pisces)
A wild day with three major aspects perfecting. Mercury Rx makes his second of three oppositions to Jupiter Rx, the first one having occurred at 18° on November 18th. It’s time to review the big idea or grandiose plan that was hatched a couple of weeks back. Alternatively, we may have received some good news back then that is turning out to be more of a thorn in our sides than we bargained for. The issue is one of scalability, so make sure you’re being realistic, and start course correcting if you’ve gotten swept up in a pipe dream. Sun square Saturn ensures that we will feel pretty crappy about it all, as difficult lessons and harsh truths puncture our ego. Patience, determination, and a strong work ethic will carry you over this speed bump. And if all else fails, engage in some good old fashioned escapism! Venus/Neptune brings a sensual energy to the day - sex, shopping, self-care - all good choices if the harshness of the day becomes too much. Good luck!
Thursday, December 5, 2024 - Sun conjunct Mercury Rx (14° Sagittarius at 9:18 p.m.)
The Sun conjoins Mercury Rx today, marking the midpoint of this retrograde cycle. That’s right friends, we’re halfway there! This is known as the “cazimi,” which is Arabic for “heart of the Sun.” The cazimi transit of Mercury highlights a thought, a message, or a messenger; and, since it’s happening with Mercury in reverse, it’s meant to alert you to something you probably missed while he was in direct motion. The pace of information may pick up for you today, encouraging you to move forward with something. DO NOT TAKE THE BAIT!! Remember, we are knee deep in a retrograde cycle right now, and forward motion in all things Mercury-related is ABSOLUTELY not advised. Do pay attention, however, because whatever comes through today is extremely important. Like, it’s-the-entire-point-of-the-cycle important. Just don’t act on it yet. More will be revealed in the coming weeks.
Friday, December 6, 2024 - Mars turns retrograde (6° Leo at 3:33 p.m.); Mercury Rx square Saturn (13° Sagittarius to Pisces)
Mars, our most infrequent retrograder, reverses direction this afternoon. Now through late February will see our warrior planet backtrack from 6° Leo all the way down to 17° Cancer. Mars rules action, ambition, aggression and desire. He speaks to the way we go after the things we want (which are generally defined by Venus). His retrogrades are particularly difficult, then, because they represent times when forward momentum is thwarted, motivation is hard to come by, and our drive to get anything done is virtually nonexistent. Frustrations arise as usual, but conflicts tend to simmer, rarely reaching resolution. Sitting in the discomfort of this transit invites us to pause and reflect on how we assert ourselves, and how we pursue our goals. Mercury Rx also makes his second of three squares to Saturn today, the first one having occurred on November 12th at 12° Sagittarius to Pisces. This aspect casts a dark energy over our mental processes, but this isn’t the first time we’ve felt this particular brand of melancholy, is it? A pattern is being established, and it’s one that results in you isolating yourself unnecessarily. It’s still not quite time to act on anything; for now, just be mindful of your self-talk, and willing to course correct as necessary when the time is right.
Saturday, December 7, 2024 - Venus enters Aquarius (1:13 a.m.); Venus conjoins Pluto (0° Aquarius); Sun opposite Jupiter Rx (16° Sagittarius to Gemini); Neptune turns direct (27° Pisces at 6:43 p.m.)
Another wild day with lots of shifts. First up, Venus moved into Aquarius overnight, where she was immediately greeted by Pluto. Venus in Aquarius is usually pretty hands-off, preferring her freedom; but her conjunction to Pluto infuses this transit with a(n un) healthy dose of intensity. Pluto’s energy overwhelms her, bringing feelings of jealousy, possessiveness, and paranoia to the surface. Steer clear of power plays in love relationships, if you can. The Sun also opposes Jupiter Rx today, bringing opportunity, good fortune, and success to some. This transit can also make you overconfident, and encourages you to rest on your laurels. Watch out for this trap, because more than a few people have had their overinflated egos punctured under these stars. Finally, Neptune turns direct after more than five months of retrograde motion. Neptune’s retrograde in these final degrees of Pisces has forced us to look at all of the places where we have been deluding ourselves. And they are plentiful, if we’re being honest. Things should be clear as mud right now in the Pisces sector of your chart; but clarity returns little by slow over the coming months. We soldier on.

It only took me five years, but I've FINALLY got proper gift cards for sale - just in time for the holidays! Give the gift of a reading to friends, family, or to yourself this year. You deserve it! Now is the perfect time to book a Year Ahead Astro-Tarot reading, or to gift one using my new gift cards! In this 18-card spread, we will explore the lessons learned in 2024, the monthly themes for the next year, and the opportunities coming at you in 2025. I'm already booking these readings into January, so get yourself and your loved ones on my calendar ASAP :)