Merry Merry, Friends! Here is your weekly horoscope for the week of December 23, 2024 - the last full week of this year! Dynamic energy comes our way this week as our middlemen, Jupiter and Saturn, throw their weight around. Mercury puts some major finishing touches on his retrograde cycle, and Venus tangoes with Uranus. The Moon is still waning towards her new phase. She starts the week perfecting her balancing act in Libra, then deep dives into Scorpio early Christmas morning. Friday sees her travelling into Sagittarius, where she stays until late Sunday night.
Read on for more detailed planetary aspects. All times listed are based on the USA Eastern Time Zone.
Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - Jupiter Rx square Saturn (14° Gemini to Pisces)
Jupiter Rx squares Saturn today, throwing things way off balance. The Jupiter/Saturn cycle is a 20-year cycle that renewed back in December of 2020, when the two met at 0° of Aquarius. Now, they form their opening series of squares: the first one occurred in August (17° with Saturn Rx), the second one perfects today, and the third one will occur in June of 2025 (1° Aries to Cancer, with both direct). This cycle is about restoring and maintaining balance. Jupiter expands and Saturn contracts, so when the two meet up every couple of decades, the karmic scale resets to zero. But they don’t stay there. When Jupiter and Saturn form their opening square, as they are doing currently, we experience tension between our desire for growth and the need to stay put. Those of us who have stronger Jupiter energy may find that we’ve taken things a bit too far, while those who are more Saturnian can be feeling tremendously boxed in now. This aspect can cause major shake-ups - limiting circumstances, impaired judgment, uncertainty about your future, financial insecurity - don’t underestimate its potential harshness. Know that whatever is happening is meant to alert you to an energetic imbalance that only you can remedy. Moderation is the key to navigating the chaos generated by this square.
Thursday, December 26, 2024 - Mercury opposite Jupiter Rx (13° Sagittarius to Gemini); Mercury square Saturn (14° Sagittarius to Pisces)
Mercury pings the separating Jupiter/Saturn square, personalizing the tension from a couple of days ago and causing it to reverberate throughout the week. Our messenger planet is making a bold statement here: not only is he highlighting the imbalance that Jupiter and Saturn are creating on their own, he is forcing integration of his own retrograde cycle lessons. Mercury’s retrograde cycle spans from early November through the beginning of January, and sees him opposing Jupiter/squaring Saturn three times apiece during that time frame. The third and final round of each aspect occurs today, signaling that it’s time to make the message conscious. Mercury’s squares to Saturn have caused some dark moods to set in - you’ve undoubtedly felt your fair share of loneliness lately, and your mental health hasn’t been stellar. Mercury’s oppositions to Jupiter, on the other hand, have brought big ideas and grandiose plans, some of which have lacked substance, but have nonetheless kept us optimistic in spite of Saturn’s baseline gloom. Overall, the push/pull of these aspects has been maddening, and has likely resulted in quite a bit of inertia. That starts to lift now. If we are sticking true to our core beliefs (Mercury in Sagittarius), and upgrading them as needed for the sake of authenticity, the coming days and weeks will see us moving in a tempered way that is more aligned with our highest and greatest good.
Saturday, December 28, 2024 - Venus square Uranus Rx (23° Aquarius to Taurus)
Handle today’s energy with kid gloves. Venus square Uranus Rx brings an insatiable urge for stimulation - so much so that you may find yourself doing something destructive just to scratch the itch. Established, healthy relationships can benefit from this aspect if they stay open-minded and have a willingness to experiment; less stable pairings probably won’t fare so well today. Sudden attractions that result in a wandering eye, inexplicable reversals in feelings, an increased need for freedom, and a willingness to lash out in anger are all side effects of a harsh Venus/Uranus connection. There is a marked increase in impulse buying under these stars as well. You’re far more likely than usual to spend too much money on unnecessary stuff. Buyers’ remorse is very real - keep your wits about you!

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