This is a calm before the storm kind of week, with only a few major aspects on the horizon. Here is your weekly horoscope for the week of March 3, 2025: Mercury moves into Aries to kick off the week, but he’s not committing to a renewed cycle just yet. He will turn retrograde next week, and eventually head back into Pisces. Nevertheless, it pays to see what he has to say for the brief period of time that he’s here. Especially since he will make his first three sextiles to Pluto. Newly direct Mars also gets a boost from the Sun, so he can start getting his ass in gear FINALLY. The Moon is waxing towards full - eclipse season is right around the corner! She starts the week in Taurus, where she reigns supreme. Wednesday sees her moving into Gemini, and Friday brings her home to Cancer. She will then move into Leo Sunday evening.
Read on for more detailed planetary aspects. All times listed are based on the USA Eastern Time Zone.
Monday, March 3, 2025 - Mercury enters Aries (1:04 am)
Mercury, our trickster planet of all things mental, moves into Aries today for a brief stay. He will only make it to 9° of the sign before turning retrograde and backtracking into Pisces. Like all things that tread here, Mercury in Aries is bold, impulsive and forthright. Aries is known for having a single-minded focus and a bit of tunnel vision when it sets its eyes on a particular prize. People who have this Mercury position are often direct, honest and extremely blunt. When you’re charged with kicking off the entire zodiac cycle, there isn’t much time for pleasantries. Still, if you’re trying to get something done without the need for a major deep dive, this energy can help. With one important caveat: Mercury isn’t staying here; and in fact, anything “accomplished” while he’s in his pre-shadow is subject to review and revision down the line. So use the energy to your advantage - nobody wants to waste having the wind at their back - but don’t get too comfortable with your “finished” products just yet. Chances are good that you’ll have to infuse some more compassion into them down the line.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 - Mercury sextile Pluto (3° Aries to Aquarius)
Deep, intense conversations and thought exercises may be on tap for you today, as Mercury receives an infusion of Plutonian energy. This aspect makes our minds probing, investigative and intrigued by all things mysterious. It’s great for studying a topic in depth, or for penetrating to the heart of a matter. Secrets tend to come out under these stars, so do your best to stay above board! As always with Pluto affecting Mercury, steer clear of power struggles. This is a gentle aspect, but Pluto’s about as gentle as a wrecking ball, even on his best day. If you are engaging with someone and you know you have a superior intellect, use it in a benevolent fashion. It would be extremely easy to take advantage of people for your own benefit now; do so at your peril. Pluto keeps score, and Mercury will meet up with him two more times in the next six weeks because of his impending retrograde. If something profound is revealed to you now, simply file it for later. You’ll see more unfold when these two connect again on March 25 (Mercury Rx) and April 20 (Mercury direct).
Saturday, March 8, 2025 - Sun trine Mars (17° Pisces to Cancer)
Mars gets a much needed boost from the Sun today, and just in time! Mars has been in Cancer, the sign of his fall, for-freakin-ever, spending much of that time in a retrograde stupor. Translation: it’s not just the winter blues or the political landscape that’s been crushing your spirit; the wind has quite literally been taken out of our collective sails for months. But we could start to see some of that lift now, as newly-direct Mars is thrown an assist from the Pisces Sun. Self-confidence, enthusiasm, courage and magnetism are easier to come by now, which can help you tackle things you’ve been putting off. If you need to impress someone, this aspect can certainly enhance your charisma. The Sun shines an easy light onto your primal desires, such that you can clearly see what you want and readily integrate those desires into your conscious expression of self. Life is yours for the taking today - enjoy!

✨We're coming up on a brand new solar cycle, making now the PERFECT time to sign up for Moon Manifestation! This year I've totally upped my game. My new and much improved subscription service includes all of the same fabulous stuff as before (monthly personalized astrology updates, house placements, planetary influences, etc.), but with some amazing new additions:
🌚 Expanded Monthly Reports - Your monthly New Moon updates will come with a new section that includes a personalized astro-mediumship reading
🌚 Full Moon Check-Ins - We will start to incorporate the Full Moons by pulling a card and looking at the astrology around each one, connecting the cycles in real time
🌚 Virtual Moon Circles - Every month, we will hold an exclusive, virtual moon circle where we ask questions, discuss our intentions and review progress from prior moon cycles
🌚 Crystal Gift - When you sign up, I’ll review your astrology, hand-pick and send a one-of-a-kind crystal that’s just for you
And you get all of this for the deeply discounted price of $44/month if you sign up before the new year!
The Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse is coming up on March 29th, and our first virtual Moon Circle is going to be held on Thursday, March 27th at 7:00 p.m. (eastern), so what are you waiting for? Let’s harness the power of La Luna together ✨