This week sees the Sun continuing its journey through Scorpio. Saturn, our planet of rules, discipline, and maturity, turns direct after more than four months of retrograde motion; Venus is also on the move. Uranus Rx weighs in over the weekend, bringing his unique brand of shock value. The Moon continues to wax towards full, ending her time in Pisces late Monday night. She starts a new trip around the Zodiac, blazing through Aries on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then settles into her favorite sign, Taurus, Thursday, reaching full on Friday. She spends the weekend all jazzed up in Gemini.
Read on for more detailed planetary aspects. All times listed are based on the USA Eastern Time Zone.
Monday, November 11, 2024 - Venus enters Capricorn (1:26 p.m.)
Venus dons her pinstriped suit and sensible pumps today, moving into Capricorn for a three(ish) week stay. Venus in Capricorn is no-nonsense. She knows what she wants, and she will stop at nothing to get it. There is a strong emphasis on financial security, material comfort, and family values while Venus travels through Capricorn. We are extremely concerned about the structures we have built around us, structures that are meant to ensure our safety and survival on the material plane of existence. The next few weeks provide the perfect opportunity to evaluate the soundness of those structures. Do they still align with our core values? Do they pay enough respect to our ancestors? Can they survive the test of time? Do they support our loved ones in a meaningful way? We have a little while to figure it all out - Venus leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on December 7th.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024 - Mercury square Saturn Rx (12° Sagittarius to Pisces)
Today favors heavy mental lifting, but there’s a catch: you should absolutely work alone. This aspect brings pessimistic energy to the forefront, making interactions difficult and infused with negativity. Saturn wants to see us put in the work; and with Mercury as his sidekick today, we can certainly abide. But the square creates tension, which will manifest as sadness, loneliness, and even bad news. We will have a very hard time seeing the bright side of life today, so take care of your mental health. Don’t trust everything you hear now, and don’t make any drastic moves due to any perceived distance between yourself and others. This mood will lift just as quickly as it rolled in. Weather the storm. This is the first of three squares that Mercury will make to Saturn between now and late December, because of his upcoming retrograde through Sagittarius. When the Universe sees fit to repeat an aspect three times in six weeks, you’d better believe the lesson it’s trying to impart will be an important one!
Friday, November 15, 2024 - Saturn turns direct (12° Pisces, 9:20 a.m.); Full Moon in Taurus (24°, 10:28 a.m.)
Saturn, our karmic time keeper, turns direct today after more than four months of retrograde motion. He reversed direction back on June 29th at 19° of Pisces. In order to understand Saturn’s retrograde cycle, we must first unpack what Saturn is trying to accomplish in Pisces. Saturn is rules, authority and maturity. He likes to create form, limits and structure. While most of us experience his energy as a huge buzz kill, he is actually trying to help us grow up: by creating a clearly-defined container, Saturn encourages us to thrive in real time. Not an easy task to accomplish in a sign like Pisces, where dissolution and formlessness are the norm! Saturn through Pisces, then, has been encouraging us to turn our dreams into reality. To manifest, literally and figuratively. His retrograde has narrowed our focus, revealing spiritual blocks that hinder our ability to make progress. Over the coming months, expect to see the path forward materialize with more clarity, as obstacles to inner peace slowly start to fall away.
About an hour later, the Moon reaches full in Taurus, conjunct Uranus Rx at 25°. The results that this Moon delivers may be particularly disruptive, given its proximity to Uranus Rx, and will be related to something begun when the Moon was new in Taurus (18°) back on May 7 of this year. Endings can be abrupt, unexpected, even startling as Uranus shines its unrelenting light on a situation that’s going down in the Taurus sector of your chart. Although the insights gleaned can be jarring, remember to show up as the most authentic version of yourself for best results. Readily release anything that isn’t an accurate reflection of the new you.
Saturday, November 16, 2024 - Sun opposes Uranus Rx (25° Scorpio to Taurus)
A day to break free from your usual routine, as the Sun gets a jolt from Uranus Rx, who is still fresh off his dance with the Full Moon yesterday. This influence causes restlessness, and an overwhelming urge to individuate. God help anyone who tries to tell you what to do today! You will fiercely resist anyone or anything who tries to box you in now. Be on the lookout for oddities. People might say things that are out of pocket, for example, or they may behave in uncharacteristic ways. Try not to fixate on keeping things stagnant; let them flow, even if they’re flowing in weird directions. This is an opposition, after all, so there will be a visceral reaction to the energy. But remember that two planets in opposition have plenty of common ground between them, they just have to be willing to move off the poles. And while this is admittedly difficult to do along the uber-fixed Taurus/Scorpio axis, flexibility is advised. Digging in your heels won’t stop Uranus Rx from having his way, and the energy will take destructive turns if it can’t move freely.
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