A week that sees a seismic shift, as Pluto moves into Aquarius for good, and the Sun moves into Sagittarius, transferring massive amounts of energy over onto the masculine polarity. This migration into the fire/air elements will continue to pick up steam into 2025, when we will start to see Neptune and Saturn flirt with Aries, and Uranus start courting Gemini. The Moon is waning towards new. She moves into home sign Cancer early Monday morning, where she stays for a couple of days. She then puts on a show in Leo Wednesday through Friday, and ties up loose ends in Virgo during the weekend.
Read on for more detailed planetary aspects. All times listed are based on the USA Eastern Time Zone.
Monday, November 18, 2024 - Mercury opposite Jupiter Rx (18° Sagittarius to Gemini) and Sun trine Neptune Rx (27° Scorpio to Pisces)
Mercury opposite Jupiter is another aspect that will repeat three times due to Mercury’s upcoming retrograde. This opposition brings big ideas, grandiose plans, and a healthy dose of optimism. Any aspect to Jupiter is cause for celebration; but this is an opposition, so some caution is warranted. The problem with this aspect is that it brings in so much information that it’s hard to see things clearly. We need to narrow down and focus, or we will miss out on the viable stuff. Lots of what Jupiter provides is fluff, filler, and lacks substance. It will be up to us to discern what has value now. Mercury and Jupiter are in a state known as “mutual reception,” meaning that each planet is in the other planet’s house. So, while each of them is technically weakened by sign placement, they strengthen each other significantly during these oppositions.
The Sun also forms a trine to Neptune today, softening things up considerably. This aspect brings increased empathy, sensitivity, and a profound desire to be of service to others. A healthy dose of idealism is called for today, as this energy can give your most lofty aspirations and goals a needed boost. You can see the spiritual side of life more readily, ensuring that your actions align with the faith, morals and values that define your core identity. Artistic and creative pursuits are favored, as is just sitting around and daydreaming for a spell. Relationships begun under this trine are likely to have a strong spiritual foundation, and existing relationships will benefit from the abundant tenderness that this energy generates.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 - Pluto enters Aquarius (3:29 p.m.)
Pluto leaves Capricorn for good today, a sign that he has been decimating since 2008. He enters Aquarius in earnest, where he will churn and burn through the early 2040’s. This is a monumental shift that will take literal decades to play out; his dance back and forth across the cusp of these two signs has been happening since early 2023. So, we have already had a little taste of what this transit could look like. Pluto is often associated with death - a fair characterization - but I like to remind people that Pluto doesn’t actually kill anything. Rather, he drills below the surface, ruthlessly hunting for things that are no longer viable. Once located, Pluto mercilessly snatches the carcass of what once was, and drags it down to the underworld to be purified through fire. In his wake we see destruction; but also, and perhaps more importantly, the opportunity to build anew. What he will find as he begins his trek through Aquarius is anyone’s guess. Like I said, we’ve barely been served the appetizer. But he will have his sights set on society at large, the usefulness of technology, and our views on what constitutes progress. Clearly, he has his work cut out for him. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until January 19, 2044.
Thursday, November 21, 2024 - Sun enters Sagittarius (2:56 p.m.) and Sun sextiles Pluto (0° Sagittarius to Aquarius)
The Sun leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius this afternoon, signaling the beginning of the transition from autumn to winter in the northern hemisphere. Despite the blazing hot nature of this mutable fire sign, the weather is about to turn very, very cold! Sagittarius is the Ninth House, and is represented by the centaur. The energy of the sign is adventurous, optimistic, open-minded and forthright. Sometimes a little too forthright. Sag is a truth-seeker, and they are all too willing to share their version of truth with anyone who asks (any anyone who doesn’t, if I’m being honest). As such, they can be perceived as blunt and tactless. Still, it’s hard to stay mad in this Jupiter-ruled sign, where the energy is perpetually onward and upward.
Immediately upon entering, the Sun is hit with a sextile from Pluto, newly ensconced in Aquarius. The centaur and the water bearer make extremely happy bedfellows, so expect a nice jolt of just the right amount of intensity as this aspect builds up steam. Your need to succeed will take on epic proportions, but so will your ability to do so without the need to bulldoze everyone in your path. This energy is extremely magnetic, so you can get what you want with sheer charisma - no need to push or engage in power struggles.
Friday, November 22, 2024 - Venus sextile Saturn (12° Capricorn to Pisces)
Newly-direct Saturn receives his first calling card, a sextile from the lovely Venus. Already pretty no-nonsense, Venus in Capricorn is looking for something serious today. Saturn is her lord as Capricorn’s ruling planet, so the two are working together to ensure that commitments are firm. This energy can manifest in romance or business, but this is not about pleasure. There is a mutual benefit here that can stand the test of time, practically speaking. Now is not the time for one night stands or fly by night deals. Things begun under this energy will take on a solemn and lasting tone. A word of caution, however: while this aspect does favor commitment, be leery of undertaking contractual obligations because of Mercury’s impending retrograde. It’s probably still best to avoid full on commitment for a while; but, if that’s not possible, just be sure to be absolutely meticulous about your terms.

The next New Moon is in Sagittarius, and it takes place on Sunday, December 1st, making now the perfect time to sign up for my monthly Moon Manifestation subscription service! Each month, you will receive a personalized astrology reading, delivered right to your inbox. You'll learn everything you need to know about each month's New Moon, including:
🌚 what house the New Moon is activating for you, and what area of your life is affected
🌚 what (if any) of your natal planets are in range of the New Moon, and what that means for you
🌚 how best to direct the energy each month, so that you can manifest your large scale desires
🌚 your natal Moon sign, and suggestions for keeping your unique emotional body aligned
🌚 the general, mundane astrology forecast for each New Moon of the lunar cycle
🌚 information about the sign that the New Moon is activating
🌚 ritual tips, crystal recommendations, symbology, and so much more!
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